Application of laser engraving technology in prototype processing
Application of laser engraving technology in prototype processing
Jan,24 2024
Laser engraving processing, also known as laser processing, is one of the four great inventions of mankind in the 20th century. It has been widely used in industry, military, scientific research an……
Difficulties and precautions in titanium alloy processing
Difficulties and precautions in titanium alloy processing
Jan,24 2024
Because titanium alloys have good characteristics of strong corrosion, high temperature resistance, and fatigue resistance, they are increasingly used in aerospace, nuclear energy, medical equipmen……
CNC Milling vs. CNC Drilling: Which to Choose?
CNC Milling vs. CNC Drilling: Which to Choose?
Jan,24 2024
CNC machining is capable of manufacturing complex and precise parts, thanks to its diverse processing techniques, such as milling, turning, drilling, etc. Here, we’ll focus on milling versus drilli……
Commonly used surface treatment processes for sheet metal prototypes
Commonly used surface treatment processes for sheet metal prototypes
Jan,24 2024
How to perform surface treatment on sheet metal processing prototype? In order to let everyone know more about the surface treatment process of sheet metal processing, the following will introduce ……
Why do we choose CNC machining prototype model?
Why do we choose CNC machining prototype model?
Jan,24 2024
CNC processing is the most important process for making prototype models. The diversification of prototype processing methods,It has not changed the status of CNC in the prototype manufacturing pro……
What are the potential challenges of automotive CNC milling?
What are the potential challenges of automotive CNC milling?
Jan,24 2024
Although CNC milling has many advantages, its application in the automotive field also faces its own set of challenges. These barriers range from technical limitations to economic considerations.Hi……
About heat treatment
About heat treatment
Jan,24 2024
The heat treatment of steel includes normalizing, annealing, tempering and quenching. Among them, annealing and normalizing are mainly used for preliminary heat treatment, and are only used as fina……
What are the common problems with prototype silicone replica molds?
What are the common problems with prototype silicone replica molds?
Jan,24 2024
Vacuum copy molding and low-pressure infusion are common methods for prototyping. The principles of the two appear to be similar on the surface. An original version can be made through CNC processi……
What’s the Difference? Alloy Steel vs Carbon Steel
What’s the Difference? Alloy Steel vs Carbon Steel
Jan,24 2024
In contrast to alloy steel, which also contains other elements to change the metal’s properties, carbon steel is simply iron with carbon added to it.Not that carbon steel is only made of carbon and……
CNC machining | Aluminum alloy materials you must be familiar with (2)
CNC machining | Aluminum alloy materials you must be familiar with (2)
Jan,24 2024
Heat treatment is a common conditioning process in which aluminum alloys are heat treated, which changes the material properties of many metals at a chemical level, such as increasing hardness and ……
CNC machining | What are the process options for manufacturing aluminum alloy prototypes?
CNC machining | What are the process options for manufacturing aluminum alloy prototypes?
Jan,24 2024
Among many metal materials, aluminum has become the metal material of choice for many engineers because of its excellent appearance, excellent performance and affordable price. It can be said that ……
CNC machining | What are the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum plates?
CNC machining | What are the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum plates?
Jan,24 2024
As a common metal material, aluminum plate is widely used in industry and life. It has many advantages and also some disadvantages.First of all, one of the advantages of aluminum panels is their li……
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